Launches & Deliveries
Lately the following ships have been launched or delivered to their owners.
Holland Shipyard Group has successfully delivered the cable recovery vessel Maasvliet, the first of five CIP3800 vessels, for Hudig & Veder. The first three of these will be operated by Hartel Shipping. This delivery introduces a new generation of fuel-efficient vessels to the European short-sea market, with the Maasvliet specifically designed for cable recovery operations.
July 5th 2024
Conoship International is glad to have attended De Bock Maritiem’s 25th-anniversary celebration! This special occasion was marked by the unveiling and christening two new CIP3600 dry cargo vessels, Amadeus Saffier and Sardius, both designed by Conoship International. The festivities took place in Werkendam, near Holland Shipyards where the ships were built.
Gelibolu Shipyard proudly launched Conoship International’s diesel-electric 3600 tdw general vessel. Bearing the collaboration mark between Conoship and Gelibolu Shipyard, the vessel, identified as NB60, is a testament to innovation, future-proofing, and environmental consciousness in general cargo transport for inland and coastal waters.
We are pleased to announce the recent launch of the first of four vessels of a new series, marking the beginning of the “Vliet Vessels” in cooperation with Hartel Shipping, Holland Shipyards Group, and Hudig & Veder Chartering.
Conoship International collaborated in the design phase, and this new series, the model CIP3800, combines innovation and excellence in naval architecture. We have embarked on a journey toward a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. This first vessel represents a significant leap forward, incorporating cutting-edge technologies and design principles aimed at reducing fuel consumption and emissions.
Amadeus Saffier was launched in November 2023. Amadeus Saffier and the sister vessel, Sardius, are dry cargo coasters. The 3,600-ton diesel-electric powered are designed to carry dry cargo and reduce CO2 emissions by 50% compared to the current short sea fleet.
This vessel will be ready for her maiden voyage in June 2024. Watch the full-length video of the launch.
On the 19th of October, the EasyMax was launched in Delfzijl. Conoship International developed the design of EasyMax for and in close cooperation with Royal Wagenborg and Royal Niestern Sander. The hull shape is optimised for various draughts, resulting in an ultra-low Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), a true champion in efficiency and sustainability in her class.
The series of two identical DP2 B-type vessels is complete since M.V. Bloemgracht has been delivered from Fuzhou Mawei Shipyard to Spliethoff Group in August. M.V. Brouwersgracht – the first of two – has been handed over on 1 February 2023.
Conoship International was responsible for delivering the design for the Spliethoff DP2 B-type vessels, which are next-generation offshore supply vessels with several versatile characteristics that make them unique in the market.
On Tuesday, February 21, the third and final new-build RoLo vessel, M/V Bore Wind, was christened in Amsterdam. For and in close cooperation with Bore (part of the Spliethoff group), Conoship International designed an ice-strengthed roll on, lift off (RoLo) vessel dedicated to the transportation of paper products. This final new-build RoLo vessel is the closure of a successful and sometimes challenging building period in China.
M.v. Brouwersgracht – the first of two Spliethoff DP2 B-type vessels – has been handed over from Fuzhou Mawei shipyard to Spliethoff Group on 1 February 2023.
The Spliethoff DP2 B-type vessels are the next-generation offshore supply vessels with a number of versatile characteristics that makes them unique in the market.
In Delfzijl, Lady Monique was baptised on Saturday. She is a cutting-edge, secure vessel that runs on both LNG and conventional marine gas oil.
Mrs Nina Simberg-Koulumies, a partner of Antti Koulumies and UPM – The Biofore Company, successfully christened Lady Menna on October 18th 2022. Lady Menna is the third of four new vessels, with a deadweight capacity of 5,900 tons and a length of 115 metres, dual-fueled and designed to meet all current environmental requirements. The godmother did the christening very well!
On September 22, 2022, the M.V. Lady Monique departed the Wuhu shipyard and headed toward a neighbouring LNG bunkering site to store LNG. With a duo-fueled engine and a deadweight capacity of more than 5,800 tonnes, she measures 115 meters in length.
Lady Mathilde was successfully christened by Mrs. Nurmi from UPM in the port of Amsterdam on September 11th 2022. The vessel was delivered to Wijnne Barends by Wuhu Shipyards. She is the second of four new vessels, with a deadweight capacity of 5,900 tons and a length of 115 metres, duo-fueled and designed to meet all current environmental requirements. Lady Mathilde is the second dry bulk cargo vessel in Short Sea Shipping Europe to operate on LNG.
On Thursday the 25th of August, the Aquadelta was christened in Rotterdam near the SS Rotterdam. The vessel, which injects large volumes of water into the seabed so sediment can flow to deeper areas, was built by Shipyard Bijlsma Wartena for owner Van der Kamp B.V.
Conoship was involved in the design phase of this vessel, which focused on durability and adaptability. The concept design of the vessel was completed in record time by incorporating extensive 3D models, and its lay-out and deadweight was designed to enable future conversions, such as replacing its fuel and/or battery systems if necessary.
On Friday the 1st of July, the Bore Way was christened in the Port of Rauma (Finland). Bore Way is the first of three vessels of this type. The 6,850 tdw RoLo vessel on LNG built by Wuhu Shipyard for the Finnish owner Bore was delivered on April 27th 2022. The new design meets the flexible cargo transportation requirements of forest products in different forms and will also be able to take RoRo cargo, be suitable for container transport, and be loaded with both high and heavy as well as project cargo.
Conoship has been involved in the development of the Lady M-series of ships for some time and we are very proud to share that the last of four new vessels, Lady Monique was launched by Wuhu shipyards on June 18th 2022. The main purpose of these vessels would be to transport several kinds of paper related cargo for UPM, such as wood, pulp, and so on.
Lady Monique is the fourth dry bulk cargo vessel in Short Sea Shipping Europe to operate on LNG.
Lady Harriët was christened by Mrs. Harriët Woudstra at Wijnne Barends Logistics terminal in the Eemshaven on the 3rd of May 2022. She is the fourth of six new ships of this type delivered by shipyard Chowgule on May 2nd 2021.
The new Lady H series is designed for transporting all kinds of cargo with maximum fuel efficiency, especially in moderate to heavy weather conditions, including sailing in ice.
Lady Menna was succesfully launched by Wuhu shipyards in rainy China on April 25th 2022. Lady Menna is the third of four new multipurpose vessels for Wijnne Barends. With a dual-fuel installation (MGO and LNG), she is the third dry bulk cargo vessel in Short Sea Shipping Europe to operate on LNG.
On Saturday the 9th of April, the Lady Marie Christine was christened in Delfzijl by Mrs. Pauliina Rikala. The vessel was delivered to Wijnne Barends by Wuhu Shipyards. She is the first of four new vessels, with a deadweight capacity of 5,900 tons and a length of 115 metres, duo fueled and designed to meet all current environmental requirements. Lady Marie Christine is the first dry bulk cargo vessel in Short Sea Shipping Europe to operate on LNG.
On April 1st, the water injection dredger Aquadelta built by Shipyard Bijlsma Wartena for owner Van der Kamp B.V. was launched smoothly.
The vessel was designed with a very long life span in mind, keeping ample room in both the lay-out and the deadweight of the vessel for future conversions. This means that the vessel can be equipped with alternative fuel and/or battery systems relatively easy in the future.
Lady Marie Christine, the newbuild Multi Purpose Vessel on LNG, was delivered from the Wuhu Shipyard in China on the 24th of January 2022. She is the first in a serie of four new dual-fuel vessels for long time client Wijnne Barends. The new Lady M-series is designed for transporting all kind of paper-related materials . With the flush cargo desk, the vessel can carry project cargo. And she has the ability to sail “open top”, so this results in a versatile dry cargo vessel.
Lady Marie Christine is the first dry cargo vessel in Short Sea Shipping in Europe to operate on LNG, to reduce CO2 emmissions.
The 2nd Marine Aggregate Dredger for De Hoop Terneuzen was launched on the 7th of December. This dredger has been designed especially for extracting sand and gravel at sea. The 1st vessel Anchorage was delivered on the 5th of June 2020 to the family owned company, a major supplier of building materials in Holland and Belgium.
On November 8th, the second RoLo vessel on LNG built by Wuhu Shipyard for the Finnish owner Bore was launched smoothly. The 120m vessel will have a speed of around 15 knots and will be ice-class Swedish/Finnish 1A. The new design meets the flexible cargo transportation requirements of forest products in different forms.
Lady Hannah was launched at shipyard Chowgule on the 7th of October 2021. Lady Hannah is the 6th and last vessel of this series for longtime client Wijnne Barends. The new Lady H series is designed for transporting all kinds of cargo with maximum fuel efficiency, especially in moderate to heavy weather conditions, including sailing in ice.
On Tuesday 28th of September, the Coastal Crown was christened in Den Helder. The vessel was delivered to Acta Marine by Shipyard Bijlsma. The hybrid DP2 Multicat is fitted with Tier III engines and a 300 kW battery pack, making it the most sustainable workboat at the moment.
Lady Marie Christine, the newbuild MPV on LNG, was launched on August 25th at the Wuhu Shipyard in China. She is the first in a series of four dual-fuel vessels for longtime client Wijnne Barends. The new Lady M-series is designed for transporting all kind of paper-related materials, combined with the ability to sail “open top” and also has a flush cargo deck to carry project cargo.
Lady Habarka was delivered by shipyard Chowgule on the 21st of July 2021. Lady Habarka is the 5th of six new ships of this type for longtime client Wijnne Barends. The new Lady H series is designed for transporting all kinds of cargo with maximum fuel efficiency, especially in moderate to heavy weather conditions, including sailing in ice.
On July 16, the 6,850 tdw RoLo vessel on LNG built by Wuhu Shipyard for the Finnish owner Bore was launched smoothly. The 120m vessel will have a speed of around 15 knots and will be ice-class Swedish/Finnish 1A. The new design meets the flexible cargo transportation requirements of forest products in different forms.
Lady Harriet was delivered by shipyard Chowgule on May 2nd 2021. The picture (above) was taken when she was arriving in the Eemshaven. Lady Harriet is the 4th of 6 new ships of this type. The new Lady H series is designed for transporting all kinds of cargo with maximum fuel efficiency, especially in moderate to heavy weather conditions, including sailing in ice.
Late April the workboat Coastal Crown was launched at Bijlsma Wartena. This Friesian shipyard is building the 36-metre-long workboat for Acta Marine. The hybrid DP2 Multicat will be fitted with Tier III engines and a 300 kW battery pack, making it the most sustainable workboat at the moment. The vessel will be delivered this summer.
The existing platform supply ship ‘SK728’ has been converted into a walk-to-work (W2W) vessel at shipyard Royal Niestern Sander in Delfzijl. This third W2W vessel has been taken into service by Wagenborg Offshore as Keizersborg on March 15th 2021. The vessel will be used as a standby and support vessel for inspection and maintenance of unmanned platforms in both Dutch and British waters in the southern North Sea.
Lady Hedwig was delivered by shipyard Chowgule on 7th December 2020. The picture (above) was taken when she was leaving Goa, India for her maiden voyage on 10th December 2020. Lady Hedwig is the third of six new ships of this type. The new Lady H series is designed for transporting all kinds of cargo with maximum fuel efficiency, especially in moderate to heavy weather conditions, including sailing in ice.
After a construction period of eight months the second EasyMax vessel for shipping company Royal Wagenborg successfully launched at shipyard Royal Niestern Sanders on Thursday 29th of October, 2020. The coming months will focus on finishing, commissioning and sea trial runs of the vessel, after which the vessel will be delivered early 2021. The EasyMax vessels can be considered a champion in efficiency and sustainability with world-class low EEDI.
Icon Yachts has relaunched the refitted expedition yacht Game Changer on October 15th 2020. The unique yacht support vessel is extended with three meters to an overall length of 72.00 m. For this we provided the naval architecture, constructional engineering and on-site project assistance before and during this refit.
The Eidsvaag Omega (formerly Baltic) was recently converted into a Fish Feed Carrier by Hartman Marine Shipbuilding in Urk. The former RoRo cargo ship was commissioned by Eidsvaag AS to supply feed to salmon farms in the Norwegian fjords. In order to do this efficiently, the ship had to be modified considerably.
After 14 months of constructing, installing, commissioning and testing, Royal Niestern Sander has delivered the hydrographic survey vessel Geo Ranger to Geo Plus B.V. Geo Ranger can be considered as (one of) the best survey vessels in its class. Standards for a survey vessel get higher every year and project timeframes get shorter. This means a survey vessel has to offer the highest performance and flexibility as possible.
Project Ragnar, ICON’s 68m ultimate explorer superyacht, has been successfully delivered to her new owners team and is currently on her maiden voyage to Iceland. Ragnar boasts a certified ICE Class A1 super hull, equipping her with Arctic explorer capabilities. Ragnar also includes luxury accommodation areas, a toy deck and helicopter landing pad.
The Marine Aggregate Dredger Anchorage was delivered on the 5th of June to the Zeeland based company De Hoop Terneuzen. This family owned company is a major supplier of building materials in Holland and Belgium. Anchorage has been built especially for extracting sand and gravel at sea. The vessel has been developed and built in the Netherlands in collaboration with Dutch suppliers, mainly from the northern part of the Netherlands.
Lady Hestia was delivered by shipyard Chowgule on the 7th of January 2020. Lady Hestia is the second of six new ships of this type. The new Lady H series is designed for transporting all kinds of cargo with maximum fuel efficiency, especially in moderate to heavy weather conditions, including sailing in ice.