News about Conoship’s sustainability and blue economy practices

Zulu Mass artist impression Conoship International

Belgian vessel innovator Zulu Associates releases Conoship’s latest designs for first unmanned zero-emission shortsea vessel featuring wind blades

Signing agreement Joint Venture_Carbotreat Maritime

Conoship International and Bouman Industries announce Joint Venture to build Ship Based Carbon Capture systems

Northern maritime sector becomes frontrunner as Green Maritime Coalition adopts ‘green’ ships

Autonomous Zero-Emission shortsea vessel 'Zulu Mass' enters the design phase

Autonomous Zero-Emission shortsea vessel ‘Zulu Mass’ enters the design phase

Northern Dutch maritime industry becomes global player ‘green’ ships

Conoship designs hydrogen vessel for Tata Steel

First step for the development of hydrogen-powered short-sea cargo vessel for Van Dam Shipping / Tata Steel